How to optimize images for website & Social Media | Free Image Optimizer & Resizer

Light Image Resizer

Hi, In this tutorial I am going to show you how to optimize an image for a blog (either Wordpress or blogger). If your blogging on WordPress then you can use plugins to get this task done.

For google Blogspot bloggers I am going to show this amazing method to optimize an image for free.

Why optimize the image?

  • Increases speed of the page, post - ultimately speed of the website.
  • Brings huge traffic
  • Saves cellular data of traffic 
  • Quick indexing by google search console
  • Saves hosting cost and its bandwidth
  • The website does not crash
  • Quick approval by Adsense and other monetizing sources

How to optimize Image?

Follow the steps as I am doing-

  • First of all, you need to get the software installed in your pc named "Light Image Resizer"
Don't Worry I am giving you link to this software, here you can directly download without going anywhere on google to search for it.

                         Download Link:       

  • After downloading this install this in your pc.
  • There is a patch.exe file in the rar file, copy the rar file to the installation folder and run the patch remember you should be turning off your antivirus or firewall otherwise it will block this operation and thus you will not be able to enjoy the full features of the software.
  • After doing all this launch the software and use it 

How to use Image optimizer?

Light Image Resizer

  • After launching the software click on files which is before folder. Add the image you want to optimize and follow the next step.
  • Click on next
Light Image Resizer

  • At the bottom, you can find Compression under this fill the size you want to get remember that the lower the size you enter the lower quality you will get show similarly put the required pixels for convenience.
Light Image Resizer

  • And its all done enjoy sharing the compressed photo wheresoever you want it.
Light Image Resizer

Below is the video tutorial:

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